Frontiers of the Self

Once you have completed Threshold to Excellence which gives you the opportunity to find out where you are in your life, plus Relationships I, Relationships II and The World of Little People, you may choose to move on to Frontiers of The Self.

Frontiers of The Self will show you who you are and what your potential is. Through social conditioning we become trapped in a self-image that is false. The only way to break through this is by becoming aware of who we really are.

This is a further opportunity to look at how you behave in your life. Our behaviour is the main area in which we let ourselves down and which affects ourselves and others the most. At the same time, it is the one thing that we can change if we choose to.

Part of the magic in this course is in the learning that you are the only one who has ever victimised yourself. You do it by yourself, to yourself and there is absolutely no need to continue in this way. Through taking responsibility for ALL aspects of your life, you begin to reclaim your personal power.

“The magic in this course is learning that you are the only one who has ever victimised yourself”


We teach you to break the bondage of social conditioning and living in blame, where you make others responsible for your life. We show you that you can make your life beautiful, and create whatever magic you want.

Frontiers of The Self is presented in an environment where the focus is on the small amount of beauty that exists in all of us, regardless of our experience and social conditioning. The more we focus on that beauty, the more aware we become of all that is good and pure in our lives, the bigger the beauty becomes.

We also show you:

  • That your shortcomings are your road to power and your ticket to freedom.
  • That your weaknesses are your unrealised potential.
  • The true nature of unconditional love as opposed to manipulation.

Our courses assume no prior knowledge or particular standard of education. We start with the basic principles and we move forward from there, always remembering that we need a firm foundation to succeed.

Please click through to our Course Schedule for information on the next available course.