We Believe...

That every man and woman
should have the freedom
to follow a path with a heart.
To this end we will support you.

If you say you can't,
we will show you that you can.
If you believe it's not possible,
we'll show you from experience
that it is possible.

We Believe...

that all men and women are equal
even amidst our differences.
For the life-force bestowed upon king
is the same as that bestowed upon beggar.
Should you feel unworthy of life,
we will affirm your beauty and strength.
Should you feel you have nothing to offer,
we will show you the riches in your heart.

We Believe...

in the importance of the individual unit
to the well-being of the greater whole.
In this we will uphold you.

If you fear the distance
you have yet to travel,
we'll show you the long way
you have already come.
If you feel the burden of loneliness,
we'll show you the joy in taking hands,
heart and courage.

We Believe...

That as an individual you are powerful beyond measure,
that you can make a difference.
The first step is to start believing in yourself.
And we will show you how.

But we do more than just talk.

Because we believe that
the only true knowledge is experiential,
we provide the setting for you:
to feel for yourself
your own wonder and uniqueness;
to experience your own value, potential and creativity.