Avril Murrin<br/>Edmonton, Canada

Avril Murrin
Edmonton, Canada

“To begin, I would like to share about my time before and about my decision to attend the Relationships 1 Course, as I feel these to be important aspects my whole experience.

Before attending the course I was beginning to feel less and less connected to myself and my husband than I had in quite some time. We had been married for just over three months and I couldn't recall ever being so miserable in our relationship of six years.

I had known before getting married that we would have many challenges and that it would be a lot of work. We had already been working on our relationship so I had thought it would just be more of the same. Well, it wasn't; the marriage took us to a much deeper level of commitment. This was a beautiful, yet daunting feeling.

We had developed many patterns between us since the very early days of dating, and I saw the Relationships Course as an opportunity to help us learn how to shift out of these. I don't want to spend my life with this man going through the same issues year after year.

I also wanted to attend to learn how to have a better relationship with myself. If I can't get along with, love, and accept myself, how can I co-operate with and fully love and accept the people I have relationships with?

I feel the course is amazing! I went there with an idea to work on what seemed a rather specific issue, as vast as the subject of relationships is. I had no idea how many layers and intricacies would come up. I was able to see and feel so much of my behaviour and experiences and learn a great deal about them.

The concepts and exercises that Elizabeth Schnugh so masterfully and eloquently presented to us fit seamlessly into everything that the participants brought to the course. The course content with the sharing, questions, and laughter flowed with such precision one would think it was all planned out perfectly.

Yet, how can you plan for what the participants bring up throughout the day?

Elizabeth created time and space for everything without a blip. I learned so much just being in that flow.

Throughout the course I felt fear, sadness, anger, and joy. I connected with and felt a level of warmth which I don't believe I've felt before towards myself, my husband, and the other participants.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the Relationships I Course. The tools and skills I brought home with me are simple, yet extremely effective to assist me in co-operating more intelligently in all of my relationships, including the one with myself.”